North Tyneside Headteacher Conference

14th February 2025 9:30am to 3:30pm

The Council Chamber, Quadrant East, North Shields

Now only 8 places left!


We are delighted to see see sign-up from such a wide range of schools, including academies and maintained schools, secondary, middle, primary and first schools, faith schools, North Tyneside schools and schools in the wider region. A few places are left for this fantastic conference, also open to deputy headteachers, assistant headteachers and other senior leaders.


Keynotes are from Laura McInerney and Steve Munby with additional contributions from our regional HMI, from North-East Combined Authority, from The Newcastle Research School, from Still Human, from Education North Tyneside and from the NAHT. It’s a packed agenda but plenty of time to catch up with colleagues and to network over a hot buffet lunch.  

Don’t miss out! 

Sign up here:  

Schools outside North Tyneside will need to create an account to book on.  

Email or ring her on (0191) 643 3391 for help with this.