Safeguarding: From compliance to culture

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These bespoke options may draw on a range of officers, such as those with expertise in safeguarding, personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and computing.

a. ‘Assisted Review’ style collaboration (18 hours)

This will include:

  • Discussing local safeguarding priorities based on locality; current trends; most recent Ofsted findings, school development partner visits etc. School picks a focus e.g., ‘everyone’s invited Ofsted report,’ Prevent, cybercrime, inclusivity etc.
  • Spotlight on policy – compliance check. Relevant policies and curriculum reviewed in line with most recent Government guidance and Ofsted
  • Culture check – community voice. Time spent in school talking to all relevant groups to identify if the aims of school match policy and the first-hand experiences.
  • Agreed actions and report of recommendations. Review of why the focus was selected; whether policy and curriculum are strong or if there are any apparent gaps; does the culture match the aims and ethos of school?
  • Collaborative report written based on findings and discussion with recommendations that would improve practice in the chosen area.

b. Safeguarding Surgery (6 hours)

  • One surgery runs each half term with bookable slots (time length to be discussed).
  • During the ‘consultation’ staff member discusses issues - specific online safety query, drug and alcohol teaching / policy query etc.
  • Adviser signposts to material / guidance / resources to support or offers practical advice.
  • Issue taken away by adviser for further research and intelligence gathering – sent to staff.
  • A follow up phone call / a Microsoft Teams meeting is booked to review the initial issue.

c. Safeguarding Spotlight (9 hours)

Either half day session each term or specific meetings after school for each element (safeguarding, relationships and sex education and online safety).


Leadership and Management

You may wish to choose 3x 6-hour projects from each of the themed support packages. For example: safeguarding, developing governance and digital technology