Empowering EAL Parents for Inclusive Education
Inclusive education aims to create an environment where every child feels welcome, supported, and able to participate in all aspects of learning.
Inclusive classrooms celebrate diversity, and parents can contribute by sharing cultural or familial insights that enrich the learning environment. Schools must fully understand these families' life experiences, allowing the implementation of targeted interventions or strategies. This helps create a positive atmosphere that embraces differences and can increase parents' understanding and skills.
Involving Parents
By fostering a strong partnership between the inclusive classroom and EAL parents or carers can create a supportive and enriching environment that meets the diverse needs of all children. Regular and open communication between teachers and parents is essential. This helps in sharing information about the child's progress, challenges and successes, and ensures a more comprehensive understanding of the child.
Parental Involvement in Decision-Making
Decisions regarding curriculum modifications, classroom accommodations, and other interventions should be made collaboratively.
- For EAL learners with SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities), parents play a crucial role in communicating with the school, providing valuable input about their child’s learning background and related information.
- Providing parents with information about their children’s education can empower them to support their children effectively, providing continuity and consistency for the children.

Educational Workshops
Attending workshops and training sessions offered by the school or local community will enable parents to understand better inclusive education practices, diverse learning styles, and strategies for supporting learners with different needs.
Professional Development for Parents
Provide opportunities for EAL families and residents needing help getting back into work, learning something new or taking their skills to the next level.
- Employment & Skills Services - Schools can signpost adult learning courses which can help EAL families build and improve their confidence to get the skills they need for everyday life.
- Online Learning Platforms - Familiarise parents with the online learning tools and platforms used in the classroom.
- Volunteer Opportunities -Participating in volunteer opportunities within the classroom or school events will allow parents to build relationships with teachers, learners, and other parents, and learn about their children’s curriculum.
- Feedback - Providing constructive feedback to teachers can contribute to ongoing improvements in the inclusive classroom environment.

Supporting and Enabling Parents
Providing information about local services, charities, community Interest companies or organisations to parents, including those with EAL, will help them meet their individual needs and make the most of the opportunities in your local authority.
- Email and Messaging Platforms - Stay in regular communication with parents through email or messaging apps to inform them about their child's progress, classroom topics and homework tasks associated with them.
- Parental evenings - Regularly invite parents/carers to discuss their child's progress and address concerns to support their child's learning.
- Tools: Padlets - Padlet is a great tool to bridge and connect with parents to enable them to help their children with learning and be part of the school and wider community. Make practical boards to collect, organise and present important information for parents.
- Resources - Provide detailed information about the school and its community, parents’ expectations and involvement in their child’s learning.
- Advocacy - Equip parents with information on educational rights and resources available for pupils with diverse needs.
- Signposting to Services - Signposting parents or their children to relevant services can help cater for their individual needs.
Encouraging collaboration between home and school enhances the continuity of learning. All in all, involving parents in the inclusive education process is crucial for children's overall success and is seen as a good practice.
Some Useful Resources for Parents
Reinforce new concepts/topics that the child learnt in class:
Parents’ helpful guide to phonics:
North Tyneside Libraries
Borrow box, a huge online range of free library eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines - www.borrowbox.com
Employment and Skills North Tyneside - www.skillsnorthtyneside.org.uk
Citizen Advice - www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Refugee Council - www.refugeecouncil.org.uk
Article by
Zuzana Puente
English as an additional language Teaching Assistant
Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service